Alright, so it was suggested I create this blog to post my 1st article that will be posted. He said it's a place to write your thoughts as well. That is great but my thoughts might seem boring to people as all I think about is what appointments I have this week that I have to take my kids or myself to, where milk is on sale so I can price match it at walmart, what I'm going to make for dinner that is not going to take me all day, music, and what bands are coming to town. How long does this have to be anyway?

As most of you know, I love the 80's Pop, New Wave, Rock, Hair Bands, I loved them all! My wish before I die is to bring this fest called The Rewind Fest here to the U.S. For those of you that don't know what that is, it is the mother of all fest with all of our treasured 80's groups all put together in a weekend. It's an 80's woodstock!  It's held every year in along the Hammes river in England, and in Scotland. What better hosts to have to than the original vj's of MTV and Richard Blade!

Until next time, Diana x


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